WASP Wings graphic


Final Tribute

On December 7, 1944, at the last graduation of WASP, General Barton K. Yount, Commanding General of the Army Air Forces Training Command recognized the brave young women who were killed while flying for their country.




      “Let us acknowledge the measure of their sacrifice by honoring them as brave women, and by honoring them as women who served without thought of glory which we accord to heroes of battle. The service pilot faces the risk of death without the emotional inspiration of combat. Men who battle in the sky have the grim, triumphant knowledge that their bombs and bullets are destroying the enemy, and their courage is sustained by the emotions of conflict.


      These women have given their lives in the performance of arduous and exacting duties without being able to see and feel the final results of their work under the quickening influence of aerial action.  They have demonstrated a courage which is sustained not by the fevers of combat, but the steady heartbeat of faith—a faith in the rightness of our cause, and a faith in the importance of their work to the men who do go into combat.


       Let us pay tribute to these women by honoring their memory . . .  Let us treasure their memory as women whose sacrifice has brought honor not only to their country, but also to their organization.


      We shall not forget the accomplishments of our women fliers and their contributions to the fulfillment of our mission.  And we shall always keep and remember the brave heritage of the women who gave their lives.  It is the heritage of faith in victory and faith in the ultimate freedom of humanity.”



 General Barton K. Yount, Army Air Forces Training Command


Nancy Parrish, Executive Director & Site Creator

254-307-2717  |   fax  866-275-4064

Wings Across America  |  1620 South Ninth Street  Waco, Texas 76710


Wings Across America is a non profit, 501 c3  project at Baylor University